Community, Education, Learning, Training and Innovation Centre.
Whether it is environmental conservation, documenting wildlife, flora and fauna, planting and nurturing the forest garden, hedge planting, animal welfare or regenerative gardening, all the activities on St Columba’s Farm make up a beautiful opportunity to learn and grow in our understanding of how to care for our world and protect our precious eco-systems.
Sustainability and ecological transformation begins with participation and St Columba’s Farm represents a rare opportunity for the wider community to discover how we can live more sustainably through getting ones hands dirty. At the heart of this learning is our proposed Environmental Learning Centre, an old late Victorian red brick animal barn that will be renovated and repurposed into a learning centre dedicated to environmental action, tackling climate change, sustainable lifestyle and community living..
It is our plan to be able to run a full programme of interactive lessons, courses and experiential days for schools, community & faith groups and businesses.
Schools Programme – Once this building is renovated we will be able to facilitate schools, colleges, youth groups and special interest groups from the wider community to come and learn about the breadth and interconnectedness of our work. Our teaching programmes will be linked to the National Curriculum at KS2-4 so as to maximise the learning opportunities for young people.
Theological Reflection and Transformation – As a Christian community we are investing into the ongoing theological exploration of creation and community and how as people of faith, we can make a lasting transformatory contribution to the protection and preservation of God’s creation. Good theology is worked out on the ground in practical ways. We are also cognisant that the Christian faith has not been at the forefront of environmental concern or action in past generations. We want the Celtic Centre to directly address this deficit and create a lasting legacy of positive action on behalf of all life on earth.
Business Team Building Days – There is nothing better at building team and getting people to work together than putting them in a field with a flock of Shetland sheep and asking the round them up. It builds team and a sense of humour. Or getting hands dirty in the allotment garden and going home with fresh produce you have helped to pick.
Supporting the Build of our Celtic Centre. Target £55,000
We are inviting members of the public, our community and well-wishers to invest or donate towards the renovation of this important building. Our target is to cover the material costs for the heritage renovation is £54,153. At 84 sq. metres this translates into £645 per sq. metre. When you consider an average cost on a renovation like this in London would be close to £2500 sq. metre I hope you will see the details we have prepared below represent genuine value for money.
The Chanctonbury Silver Ring
Why not buy one of the limited edition Chanctonbury Fairtrade Silver rings that have been created especially to support the rebuild and transformation of this building. The Chanctonbury Ring is a limited edition (250) 3mm or 5mm, his or hers, hand carved and cast Fairtrade Silver ring with an oxidised finish. Accompanied with a 18″ silver belcher chain, it can be worn on the finger or round the neck. Inspired by the iconic Chanctonbury Ring in the heart of the Sussex Chalk Downland, a symbol of our human commitment to seeing our world and local environments preserved, nurtured and restored to their original beauty. Please click here to go to the store page.

Make a Donation
If you wish to make a donation towards the work, please visit our Gifts and Donation page here you can send us your donation securely, as well as maximise it by signing onto GIFT Aid. Please label your donation Celtic Centre, so we can ring fence your contribution specifically for the centre.
We trust we have painted a picture that has captured your imagination, as to what is possible. Below you will find architects drawing and framework costings, that have been worked out for the restoration of this building. We hope you will join us in our task of renovating this delightful old building, and in doing so help to create an education centre that will equip the next generation to learn and replicate the noble work of protecting our planet and local communities.

Education Centre Renovation and Repurposing Costs | |
Description of itemised costs | Cost |
Site Set Up | 460 |
Skips | 253 |
External scaffold and internal birdcage | 2530 |
Remove existing rotten doors and windows | 230 |
Strip roof tiles, batten and crate tiles | 1380 |
Remove damaged rafter purlins and decayed sections of wall plates | 920 |
Replace decayed wall plates and dragon ties | 1265 |
Undertake repairs to roof beams with new timbers | 920 |
Template, fabricate and install blacksmith made straps to tie beams and new metal tie rods | 1840 |
Install new purlins to replace existing ones | 1265 |
Install new rafters to replace existing ones where required | 1955 |
Repair plate ends and replace barge boards in oak | 1610 |
Install steel column under valley | 517.5 |
Fabricate 1 new window, restore 5 windows, restore 2 doors including glazing | 8000 |
Refit doors and windows including painting and weathering | 1610 |
Repair brickwork north east corner | 1035 |
Localised rebuilding to north walls plus helibar to north west corner | 920 |
Take down and rebuild loose section of brickwork to east wall between door and window | 920 |
450x450x450 pad foundation for steel column | 575 |
Allowance for repointing and reconsolidation of brick work and stone work | 5750 |
Roofing including felt, batten, dreadnought classic red handmade tiles + lead work to abutment with chimney. | 19737.5 |
Site demobilisation and clean up | 460 |
Total | 54153 |
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