Prayer at sundown at Chanctonbury Ring


The Society of St. Columba is a gathering of people dedicated to simplifying their Christian walk to the simple steps of Prayer, Work and Reading. These simple foundations or building blocks, articulated by St Columba, form the axis around which the Society seek to outwork their lives on a day to day basis.

Let thy daily labours be three; prayer, work and reading.
The Rule of St. Columba

There is no compulsion in The Society, only voluntary participation. The Society does not have any formal vows, rather it seeks to facilitate and encourage the core spiritual practices of contemplative prayer, devotional work and devotional reading. Our aim being to nurture and release each other to walk more closely in the relationship with God.

The Society is also privileged to have been offered the chance to develop a Monastic Church Foundation at Chanctonbury in West Sussex. St. Columba’s Barn is an exploration and re-awakening of an indigenous Monastic church ecclesiology contemporised for the 21 century. The work of renovating and re-purposing the traditional Sussex flint barn, outlying buildings and working the adjoining 20 acres of land will be the principal activity of the Society and is one that excites us as we seek to discover God communally in this wonderful location. Download a pdf summary for more information about plans for St. Columba’s Barn.

So we are extending the invitation to all those who feel drawn to work alongside us in the task of exploring the principles of prayer, work and reading and participating in the development of Columba’s Barn to sign up to our mailing list (below). This will keep you in touch with developments around Columba’s Barn, retreats, pilgrimages and prayer events we hold every year. Don’t forget to also join us on Facebook @SocietyStColumba or Twitter @chasingcolumba

We hope to see you in the future,


Greg Valerio

Founder of Society of St. Columba.


Currently there is no fee attached, however if you feel led to support the Society please feel free to make a donation or take out a standing order to support our work at Chanctonbury. Our bank details are as follows;

The Society of St Columba (registered Charity no 1160486)

CAF Bank

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account number: 00026561


Donate via Paypal