The Society of St Columba (the Society) and Columba’s Barn CBS (the CBS) recognise their responsibilities during the current pandemic to contain the spread of the coronavirus which causes Covid-19. The Society and the CBS are looking to host a number of events during the early autumn both inside and outside and both on church premises and off church premises. The following policy sets out how the two organisations will work together to manage such events.
The following policy, general risk assessment and procedure has been written in accordance with the advice given by the UK Government. It will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it remains suitable.
General Risk Assessment and Guidelines
There is an identified risk of the possibility of passing on Covid-19. Keys risks identified for cross contamination are: –
• Contaminated surfaces
• Airborne transmission of virus
Current advice suggests this can continue for up to 72 hours
Activities will be held in compliance with the Health Protection Regulation SI 2020 No 986 (the ‘regulation’).
The Society and CBS have identified the following guidelines which will be taken into account in planning individual events and managing their shared property at Columba’s Barn, and when out on activities of the Society and CBS elsewhere: –
- In respect of Columba’s Barn
- In respect of Columba’s Kitchen
- Worship
- Market stalls : while there are no official government guidelines related specifically to market stalls we will take account of advice from other local council’s.
General Risk Mitigation
The identified virus transmission risk will be mitigated by the following steps: –
- Social distancing: Where members of more than one household are present, they will be required to socially distance from each other (2 metres) or we will allow 1m plus social distancing where appropriate provided other public health measures are adopted (e.g. face masks, all facing forward)
- Hygiene: Particular attention will be given to hygiene measures on potentially shared surfaces and to reminding and enabling those attending Society and CBS events to follow government advice including in respect of handwashing / hand sanitising
- Ventilation: Most spaces used for activities of the Society and the CBS are fully or partially in the open air / semi-open facilities, but where held indoors sufficient doors / windows to the building in use will remain open while the building is in use to ensure air flow
- Members of the society and the CBS and those attending any of our premises or events if feeling unwell or exhibiting any of the potential symptoms of Covid-19 (new cough, fever, loss of taste and smell) and should observe government quarantine regulations for instance on return from holidays abroad or if contacted by NHS test and trace
- To enable NHS Test and Trace all attending events will be asked to register and details registration details will be retained for at least 6 months.
- If events are held in properties which are identified as private dwellings in the Regulation the “Rule of 6” will apply.
Risk Mitigation for specific events
The following additional risk mitigations have been identified for the type of events most likely to be held by the Society and the CBS:
- Worship: The Society of St Columba seeks to meet in outdoor spaces wherever possible to honour its commitment to God’s creation.
- Where meeting for Worship is indoors in a place of worship as defined by the Regulations face coverings will be worn if legally required
- Where the meeting is indoors singing must be avoided.
- Working Parties:
- Attendees will be encouraged to bring their own tools to working parties on the farm and the buildings at St Columba’s Farm.
- Shared tools will be wiped down with at least 60% alcohol solutions before and after use.
- If the event is anything other than a formal service or meeting for prayer and worship specific risk assessment for the event will be completed to address risks not addressed by our general policies and protocols.
- If children are present but not taking part in activities specific consideration will be given in the risk assessment to how to manage social distancing e.g. advising parents to be responsible / designated family areas.